Sunday, January 30, 2011

vegetarian diet

Low calorie vegetarian diet plan -

 A low calorie vegetarian diet plan should include at least 1-2 fruits in a day; try to avoid dry fruits as they are higher on calorie content. Green leafy vegetables are not only rich in vitamins and minerals but they are also very fibrous and therefore are good for digestion and building your metabolic system in a way to be able to burn the extra fat. It is good to eat some vegetables as salads at all meal times or even when you get hungry as they are high on vitamins and low on calories.  Soy and tofu are very good options for proteins as they are low on fat. Using either soy or tofu in your low calorie cooking will be able to help you to eat healthy and get the required amount of proteins even when you stick to a low calorie vegetarian menu. Nuts are also considered to be healthy as they are low on calories and can be eaten as small snacks.

 Low calorie vegetarian recipes -

Some of the easy low calorie vegetarian recipes for a good healthy low calorie breakfast are to make a banana oatmeal smoothie which is contains one cup of milk, one banana, one cup of oats and a tablespoon of honey. You should combine all these ingredients into the blender and blend it for 2 minutes. Instead of plain milk you could use soy milk or even substitute it with one cup of fat free yogurt to lower the calorie content.
 Another low calories recipe you could try is tofu scrambled which makes a light and delicious lunch.

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