Friday, June 3, 2011

banksy wallpapers

banksy wallpapers. now it is my phone wallpaper!
  • now it is my phone wallpaper!

  • Juventuz
    Apr 1, 10:50 AM
    TV is trash anyway. Who has time left to waste watching commercials & shodily slapped together shows?

    Have time to kill? Do something constructive on Inkpad or iDraw.
    Want some light entertainment on while you do something productive? Netflix
    Want something cheap and raunchy? Youpr0n

    There is nothing TV does that one of these other things doesn't do better.

    And yet if it weren't for those shows, most people wouldn't care about Netflix streaming.

    banksy wallpapers. anksy-starwars
  • anksy-starwars

  • jonhcox
    Apr 19, 10:40 AM
    Also, oopsie hardware releases aside, how would a "supposedly" early software build of iOS5 end up in the prototype phone of some guy in South East Asia? Hardware production is outsourced to Asia, yes, but software would be held pretty damn closely. Maybe I'm wrong?

    BS- IMHO this is a shamster.

    banksy wallpapers. anksy wallpapers.
  • anksy wallpapers.

  • jefhatfield
    Sep 15, 09:31 AM
    Originally posted by iGAV
    I don't think the situation will arise where we are comparing the speed of the G4 Vs the P5 actually...... ;)

    i hope by the time pentium 5 hits the shelves, there will be a G5 on the shelves

    btw, igav, i see that you are on akira's site...i should go there and join up and give the old alphatech a hard time...i miss alphatech and his intelligent comments...even when he gets unintelligent and flames newbies:eek: :p ;)

    banksy wallpapers. 06-apeman-anksy-wallpaper
  • 06-apeman-anksy-wallpaper

  • jonomo
    Apr 24, 09:23 PM
    Not sure what all the fuss is about the backlit keyboard... I don't think I ever found that feature to be useful on my MBP.. I guess if you type "pecking" style it's pretty useful..

    On the 11incher I would love to see:
    1. SD card slot
    2. 3G or 4G

    Otherwise some incremental improvements on memory, cpu, battery life, would all be great!


    banksy wallpapers. anksy wallpapers. anksy
  • anksy wallpapers. anksy

  • MacGeek7
    Mar 24, 02:41 PM
    That almost makes me feel bad for selling a 16GB Wi-Fi only for $375 last week. oh well...I'm over it.

    banksy wallpapers. Banksy
  • Banksy

  • MattSepeta
    Apr 12, 02:56 PM
    Of course it is unacceptable, and for this reason it is already illegal. ;)

    What about denying somebody a job because of their, say, intelligence? Charisma? Any number of things that are largely predetermined?


    banksy wallpapers. anksy wallpapers.
  • anksy wallpapers.

  • MartiNZ
    Apr 17, 08:55 PM
    Pretty exciting - I just noticed Word 2011 now supports scrolling from the background! Awesome seeing as how they reckoned they had intentionally disabled that at release.

    banksy wallpapers. anksy wallpapers.
  • anksy wallpapers.

  • CFreymarc
    Apr 21, 01:22 PM
    1) Do something original
    2) Spend time in Cupertino's outer circle at select geek houses in Cupertino, Sunnyvale, Saratoga, Los Gatos or Mountain View.
    3) Show the game off to the right engineers.
    4) Win the geek Q&A
    5) Learn how to get on the PVT list
    6) Ignore anyone that doesn't code inside Apple
    7) Don't piss off Steve.
    8) Don't act sub-servant to Steve.
    9) Learn to love beach volleyball.

    Rinse and Repeat for every new hardware cycle.


    banksy wallpapers. Banksy is perhaps the most
  • Banksy is perhaps the most

  • Eidorian
    Jun 19, 02:36 PM
    I was tempted at Target to pickup a Spring 2010 Pro bundle.

    banksy wallpapers. anksy wallpapers. wallpaper
  • anksy wallpapers. wallpaper

  • sososowhat
    Mar 26, 03:59 PM
    I'd thought he'd never been seen with anything but water. Just something I thought I'd heard once.


    banksy wallpapers. Banksy Wallpaper for your PC.
  • Banksy Wallpaper for your PC.

  • lolnick
    Mar 11, 03:05 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Northpark isn't doing any cards

    banksy wallpapers. anksy wallpaper - 136128
  • anksy wallpaper - 136128

  • crisss1205
    Apr 12, 05:42 PM
    Will all the resellers buying all the AT&T versions I call BS on those stats.

    Go to a store and I guarantee you can't buy an at&t model, but vzw are in stock everywhere.

    There is NO way Vzw is outselling AT&T version, NO way, it's impossible.

    My guess is maybe people in the mid-west would PREFER vzw, but they'll never buy one anyway...

    I agree, I waited on line on launch day. The first iPads to be sold out were the AT&T models, then WiFi, then Verizon.


    banksy wallpapers. Banksy Wallpaper - Flag
  • Banksy Wallpaper - Flag

  • cmaier
    Apr 13, 11:07 PM
    She probably left this place. Why would anyone want to do business here when all people do is trash Microsoft.

    That's not all people do. They spend just as much effort trashing Apple.

    banksy wallpapers. anksy wallpaper by
  • anksy wallpaper by

  • QuarterSwede
    Jan 6, 03:51 PM
    You may want to turn off wall posts notifications. Yeah, I certainly don't want to be notified every 5 minutes.


    banksy wallpapers. 08-sweeper-anksy-wallpaper.
  • 08-sweeper-anksy-wallpaper.

  • iGav
    Sep 16, 06:30 AM
    Originally posted by jefhatfield

    i hope by the time pentium 5 hits the shelves, there will be a G5 on the shelves

    btw, igav, i see that you are on akira's site...i should go there and join up and give the old alphatech a hard time...i miss alphatech and his intelligent comments...even when he gets unintelligent and flames newbies:eek: :p ;)

    I would think that by the time Intel do inflict the P5 upon that we'll be if not running machines with Apples next generation PPC at that time, then they'll be right around the corner......

    And yep I joined akira's site...... although I won't be using it like I do mr...... and as akira said, it's not a rumour site, it's a discussion and problem site about current technical issues and hardware and software...... I thought Alphatech was funny...... sure he sometimes got a little heated, but there was alot of people that deserved it, and hey it spiced things up...... :p

    He seem alot more chilled over at his site..... so that's cool.... :)

    P.S It's good to have you back Jef....... ;) :)

    banksy wallpapers. anksy-stencil-guerilla-street
  • anksy-stencil-guerilla-street

  • D-Love
    Feb 18, 11:23 AM
    That "picture" of Jobs at the cancer center is clearly not Steve Jobs. Its so obvious that isn't Jobs that its not even funny. Even though the picture is from behind, Jobs looks like he's quite fine at that table.

    Why am I not surprised he's the one sitting right next to President Obama? LOL


    banksy wallpapers. Banksy Balloon
  • Banksy Balloon

  • kazmac
    Apr 12, 09:34 PM
    Every single time I'm in the apple store 5th avenue > the only iPad 2 types they've had in stock were the Verizon.

    AT&T and WiFi are always sold out.

    banksy wallpapers. HD Banksy: Donut wallpaper
  • HD Banksy: Donut wallpaper

  • Eraserhead
    May 31, 01:16 AM
    ^^ The guides category just needs scrapping, its a complete catch-all and has no meaning. shouldn't be touched and seems fine to me...

    Definitely separate GUI and CLI applications, there was a massive shift from CLI to GUI with the introduction of Windows and the original Mac OS, they should be kept separate even if CLI applications are just in a subcategory with the GUI applications.

    banksy wallpapers. BANKSY

  • maya
    Sep 22, 07:10 PM
    The iMac G5 were just updated in May 2005. There is a slim to none chance that there will be an update until MWSF JAN 2006. :)

    Sep 9, 09:17 AM
    I've driven through Valle Crucis ( a couple times, but never stayed. It's a gorgeous, isolated N.C. mountain town. May be farther than you're willing to drive, though--I'd guess about 8 hours from Maryland.

    Tha looks tempting, WM.

    I'm also thinking of packing up my dusty collection of new, but long-unused fly rods and heading to Pennsylvania for some trout.

    Mar 25, 08:24 AM (

    Mar 25, 08:29 AM
    I called my local verizon store. girl told me she would only sell an original ipad bundled with their mifi. Forget it.

    Go in the store and talk to someone else. I got one no mifi, no problem.

    Sep 14, 09:21 PM
    Yeah, I get to have my wisdom teeth out next Thursday, so it's anesthesia for me too!

    Where do you people live that you get general anesthesia for wisdom teeth? I had all four of mine removed at the same time, and had to make do with 12 (4 by each tooth) shots of Novocain (local anesthetic) !!!! Then I got to listen as the dentist crunched the one that was coming in sideways and recessed so he could suction out the little pieces.

    Mar 23, 01:17 PM worked reliably from my Mac Mini (2010) to my iPad 2 without saying "you are not authorized to play this video" every other time, I would care.

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