Thursday, June 2, 2011

lindsay lohan anorexic

lindsay lohan anorexic. Lindsay lohan anorexia
  • Lindsay lohan anorexia

  • citizenzen
    Apr 13, 01:00 PM
    A business can not choose it's customers, a business takes all the custom it can get to make a profit and pay it's employees...

    A business that pick and chooses it's cutomers based upon the customers personality traits would soon go out of business.

    I wonder why I often see signs like this in stores ...

    lindsay lohan anorexic. Then Lohan starts flashing her
  • Then Lohan starts flashing her

  • maflynn
    May 5, 11:45 AM
    It really isn't fair to compare the MBA to a netbook as all they have in common is size. And Widnows is worth its value to over a billion users too.

    The other thing to consider is usage. Many people who use a small laptop like the MBA or those listed are not looking for a powerhouse of a computer. Just a tool to surf, do some email or document creation. In that case a netbook is perfectly suited. Beside why spend > 1,000 when you can spend 300 that provides that level of functionality.

    I want to point out that I prefer OSX, and buy Macs (and have built a hackintosh). I'm not some anti-apple troll or anyhting.

    I base my purchase decisions on what fits my needs the best. There's a number of blind fanboy posts that knock anything thats non apple.

    Other computer makers produce good products and windows itself is a good OS. Just because it doesn't have that apple logo means its crap

    lindsay lohan anorexic. Lindsay Lohan#39;s Anorexic
  • Lindsay Lohan#39;s Anorexic

  • EricNau
    Nov 14, 07:48 PM
    guess the bigger question
    will this be available in coach or is this just a first class option?
    Hopefully it will be available in all classes. It doesn't seem like Steve Jobs to settle for anything less - He's all about the average consumer.

    lindsay lohan anorexic. lohan anorexic, lindsay
  • lohan anorexic, lindsay

  • countrydweller
    Dec 28, 09:24 AM
    Why all the complaining? If this is a move to increase the quality of service in NYC, isn't this a good move till they upgrade their towers? If it's truly because of fraud, that's understandable. AT&T should be truthful about reasons for their actions, maybe they have been.


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  • models cherubic Nail nippers that she hasis lindsay That she hasis lindsay tagalog, lindsay lohan attention Lindsay+lohan+anorexic+2010

  • ColoJohnBoy
    Sep 22, 07:08 PM
    Not to be another bitchy Apple addict, but it's iMac. A single capital letter. Aesthetics are important not only in the computer but the name. :)

    lindsay lohan anorexic. Lindsay+lohan+anorexic+
  • Lindsay+lohan+anorexic+

  • Chundles
    Oct 10, 10:35 AM
    You know, today is tuesday.... :D

    Nah, it's Wednesday.


    lindsay lohan anorexic. Lindsay+lohan+anorexic+
  • Lindsay+lohan+anorexic+

  • bigandy
    Oct 27, 10:30 AM
    i wish that interface was open source :rolleyes:

    lindsay lohan anorexic. LINDSAY LOHAN ANOREXIC 2009

  • skellener
    Apr 5, 08:05 PM
    So does this mean we would need an adapter for the 30pin connector to HDMI out?

    Apple Digital AV Adapter - $39 (
    A second 30-pin connector built into the AV adapter lets you charge and sync your device while it�s connected to your HDMI-compatible display.,0.5,0,0&iccEmbed=0&layer=comp


    lindsay lohan anorexic. lohan anorexia, lindsay
  • lohan anorexia, lindsay

  • dhlvrsn
    Sep 26, 09:45 AM
    Apple needs to be very vigorous in defending the iPod TM. Not sure if anyone else caught it but with the updated iPod line CNN ran a story. In it the woman stated that Apple currently controls "70% of the iPod market." Unless the rebranded HP models are selling like hotcakes sounds like a generic use of the term to me.

    lindsay lohan anorexic. shelindsay lohan anorexic
  • shelindsay lohan anorexic

  • Telecacher
    Aug 19, 05:12 PM
    Wasn't working earlier, but just started working here in Los Angeles.


    lindsay lohan anorexic. A visibly thin Lindsay Lohan
  • A visibly thin Lindsay Lohan

  • Blue Velvet
    Sep 13, 08:59 AM
    Redheads are a bit more sensitive to anesthesia (not sure why, but apparently it's true), but that isn't an issue unless your anesthesiologist is color-blind. ;)

    Timely mention. There was an interesting article about this in yesterday's Guardian.,,1567843,00.html

    So if you're ginger, you're allowed to be a whinger. :D

    lindsay lohan anorexic. lindsay lohan sevin nyne
  • lindsay lohan sevin nyne

  • JAT
    May 3, 05:10 AM
    It's pretty clear that the lens is in a deeper "well" in the white model. This is consistent with the rumor that light was impinging on the camera in the white model. What you need to do is limit all light that isn't coming from directly in front of the lens. No light from the side, and definitely no light from the inside of the camera. The way to fight it if you have an SLR? Invest in an old fashioned thing called a bellows, which shields the lens from any light that isn't coming from the area you can focus on, and which doesn't do anything but add glare or make blacks in the picture more like dark gray. This deeper camera acts like a bellows, I presume, blocking any light coming through the white, more translucent body.
    As mentioned, a bellows does not surround a lens, it is a means to alter magnification. In fact, a bellows (or the portion of a modern macro lens that is equivalent to a bellows) will not have any lens elements in it at all.
    I believe that's also what the little aluminum trim ring around the camera sensor is used for too to block out the light from the translucent body and the LED flash. The prototype iPhone 4 never had that ring I believe.
    It's all just ridiculous. The lens blocks light itself. No lens is simply glass, it would never work at all, who would make such a stupid product? How would it hold together? A lens, esp in the case of a large SLR lens, is many glass/plastic elements. Here's a standard lens (, look at the diagram at the bottom of the 8 elements and the positioning. (and there must be at least 2 in the iPhone lens) They have to be held in their respective positions by something around the outside. The suggestions of "light leakage" imply that the surrounding material would have to be translucent....what, more glass? Transparent aluminum? :rolleyes: The photo in the OP clearly shows black plastic and silver metal as the lens surround, independent from the rest of the phone or the color of the phone.

    Look at that picture. The lens on the left has more plastic in it, which I suppose could block light more easily than less, but that's the one from a black phone. Shouldn't it be the other way around for this theory to have any teeth at all? It's probably just a newly or differently sourced lens, and if they took apart new black phones they'd find the same newer one in some of those.

    The thickness issue is within manufacturing tolerances, I would guess. Again, if we could measure each and every brand new phone, we'd no doubt be able to find a black one that is thicker than a white one. This is the problem for case makers, always has been. What no one is thinking about is the size of the cases, those also will have some size variation within the same model line.


    lindsay lohan anorexic. 7- Lindsay Lohan With Nicole
  • 7- Lindsay Lohan With Nicole

  • Synchro
    Oct 24, 04:48 PM
    I was as the opening of the Regent st store. Got there about 7am for a 10am opening, and there was already a 300m queue!

    Not sure that I'll make it this time.

    lindsay lohan anorexic. lindsay lohan anorexic 2011.
  • lindsay lohan anorexic 2011.

  • cantthinkofone
    Apr 18, 01:03 PM
    "Ahead" in what terms? Sure, public transport is used considerably more in Europe than in the US. Reason? Gas prices (oh yes, and the fact that you can't get a parking space in the big cities just makes it more convenient).
    But is the actual infrastructure worse? From a european point of view, that is hard to believe.

    Check out this link for a comparison of transportation prices EU vs. US:

    What I am talking about is in the majority parts of the USA. New York, LA, Chicago, Boston, Miami, etc etc all have a public transportation infrastructure. Where I live, in what is considered "rural" USA the only form of public transportation is a taxi. There are no city buses, no rail system, nothing. If I need to go somewhere I have to drive there.

    I live in Missouri, which is 69,704 sq mi. England is 50,346 sq mi. So when you travel from one end to the other (North to South, or East to West) of England you have gone from one end of your country to the other in 3-6 hours. Here, If I left now and traveled for 3-6 hours I would leave my state but I would be no where close to the edge of my country.

    We are so spread out as a country and because of that our public transportation, unless you live in a city with 500,000+ people, is crap compared to European countries. You can travel anywhere in the City of Paris or London for one flat fee with the subway system. When I was in England staying in Belper, it cost a couple of pounds to travel by train to Derby. If I was to pay a taxi to take me to St. Louis, or Kansas City, damn....probably cost me $2-300.

    I wish the USA would build a high speed rail system and have a station here where I live. They built a highway system, why not a rail system?


    lindsay lohan anorexic. lindsay lohan surveillance
  • lindsay lohan surveillance

  • tvguru
    Sep 25, 10:50 AM
    Sweet. When is it available? Did I miss that? :confused:

    I think this is it

    Publication date: The update is to appear still in this week

    But the translation confuses me a bit.

    lindsay lohan anorexic. lindsay lohan anorexic 2009.
  • lindsay lohan anorexic 2009.

  • MacFly123
    Mar 26, 03:39 PM
    Two questions:

    1) Is that an iPad on the table?
    2) Who paid for the coffee? :D


    I was wondering if that was an iPad on the table too. Only other thing I think it could be was the bill, but for just coffee? Probably was an iPad! :cool:

    ""They're going to see it all eventually so who cares how they get it." Which seemed to be about web content, said the tipster."

    How can that be interpreted about web content ? :confused:

    How can it NOT be? Maybe not web, but it was obviously about content I would say!

    Now thats a publicity stunt if ever I saw one!

    Ya, actually one of the first things that popped into my mind about this is that it was planned to help both companies images and relationship seem better in the press!

    He rich, yet he wears the same thing every day?

    He's very into simplicity and minimalism, just look at the way apple products are designed. I think its a conscious choice to wear a simple black turtleneck and jeans, even though he could easily afford any clothes he wanted.

    Yes, it is a conscious decision on Steve's part. Kind of cool if you think about it. Not my cup of tea though haha :D Honestly, it seems weird whenever I see Steve dressed in anything BUT the black turtle neck and blue jeans with his New Balance sneakers lol!


    lindsay lohan anorexic. lindsay lohan anorexic,
  • lindsay lohan anorexic,

  • eva01
    Oct 26, 09:04 PM
    well I am able to crash safari every single time in the new .Mac mail

    I go to the bottom email on a page and hold the up arrow, safari just quits.


    lindsay lohan anorexic. lindsay lohan anorexic 2009.
  • lindsay lohan anorexic 2009.

  • Origin
    Sep 19, 04:22 PM
    I'm a bit confused, because, I can't update the EFI ... I strictly followed the instructions. Poweron while holding the power button... then some secondes after speed flashs of the led (I mean stroboscopic) and then just a long BIIIIIP and normal boot after that ...

    Tried many times, any hints ?
    Thx a lot

    lindsay lohan anorexic. lindsay lohan anorexic,
  • lindsay lohan anorexic,

  • gorjan
    Apr 5, 11:57 AM
    Hope this is a fake, as I absolutely loathe capacitive buttons on phones.

    I agree! My Samsung Galaxy S had capacitive buttons and you could never know if the phone had registered or not.

    Apr 5, 04:57 PM
    While I don't see anything that specifically mentions thunderbolt other than Macrumors' own speculation, I would find it hard to believe this wouldn't include it if it were to see the light of day. the 30 pin dock is a BIG connector- plenty of real-estate for a next-gen version to incorporate all of these standards from the looks of it.

    My questions are:

    Will it be backwards-compatible

    Obviously you'll need to buy different cables according to what the other end is plugging into (Thunderbolt or USB 2/3)....but will apple include both or charge $25 for the other one?

    It's smart to include USB 3, especially on "iToys", as it will eventually become the standard. The only way to avoid it would be to stop putting USB ports on their computers all together, and that will alienate all of their non-mac "iToy" customers (probably the majority).

    Apr 5, 10:16 AM
    I have used a Moto Xoom. Honeycomb requires you learn a new user interface. Instead of a nice seamless experience where you can get right in to using apps, you have to learn about the literally 3 or 4 different ways to trigger, dismiss, and access apps. If they're utilities, they're accessed one way. If they're apps, you've got an app menu and a desktop-style metaphor to try-- either works. It's confusing as hell. I mean, you can LEARN anything, but why would you want to.

    Bottom line-- a Xoom is $800, it's far less functional, and it's far more confusing to use.

    imo, if you've used any type of gadget before.. it's pretty easy to learn honeycomb within 5 mins of using it. hell i find it easier to use than a vcr. i think that some apple users, and i'm not saying you specifically, are just so used to ios or osx, that in a way.. before even trying out a new device.. they already pre judge it or are even biased.

    i don't agree with your statement about the desire to learn new things also.. a lot of people love gaining new knowledge. why would you limit yourself like that? just years ago, i knew most things about how to efficiently use windows os, but my curiosity to learn osx made me a mbp owner.. you learn that some things have their purposes and usefulness.

    Nov 2, 10:13 PM
    In respect to the dedicated graphics card, I totally agree with you here. I keep saying it, but a dedicated gaming machine made in the Apple style would absolutely vault them 5% in share overnight. Maybe more.

    Hmm...interesting idea. Maybe Apple could offer a $100 upgrade to a decent video card in the MacBook and Mac mini. And brand those as the "gaming" versions of those machines. I think this would be worth it for Apple. Even though it would cannibalize some MBP sales, I think the increase in MacBook sales would be much larger than the slight drop in MBP sales...

    EDIT: And hey, what about if in order to highlight the multithreaded Open GL capabilities in OS X, the "gaming versions" came with World of Warcraft preinstalled and optimized for multithreading? It would be a boon for Apple since WoW is so popular, and it would be good marketing for Blizzard, since WoW makes most of its money from subscriptions anyway...

    Lex Yu
    Apr 30, 07:47 PM
    And a Apple branded USB Thumb drive makes no sense cost wise! DVD makes much more sense as an installation media.

    I don't think Apple will be bothered by a few bucks because Apple is the cash king.

    OS media on the USB stick makes sense because it is a lot faster than DVD-ROM.

    Sep 1, 05:15 AM
    how do they release the preview to developers and not let loose the super secret features? are all the super secret features all applications which don't need testing?

    or will there be another round of betas?:confused: :confused: :confused:

    My bet is that the GUI will be tested in the labs, there will be a few more apps put to the Dev's but not for a while yet. Apple want them to get board of spaces so they can put more atention on to the newer (SUPER SECRET) apps.

    to be frank, the GUI will not be put out on any beta. this is the one thing apple dont want those pencil pushing theifs at redmond to see as it will no doubt work its way into there next relese (microsoft 2012?)

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