Tuesday, May 31, 2011

vladimir lenin body

vladimir lenin body. Vladimir Lenin, his ody
  • Vladimir Lenin, his ody

  • lostontheisland
    Apr 5, 05:24 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    first-chill!, second-chill a little more, third-am i not within my own rights to call something as i see it?or is that reserved solely for you?the choice of words i use are just that my choice so take your opinion about me elsewhere as after some thought iv decided I couldn't care any less what you say.

    Opinion...yes. Have one. Share it. Talk all you want about how useless this app is. It may in fact be useless to some people. There are tons of useless apps out there. I don't like them. I have them. I've waisted time downloading them. The problem here isn't opinions....the problem is labeling. If your opinion is that you hate the app and it's worthless, then great. If anyone thinks their "opinion" is that downloaders of the app are morons, then now you're labeling people. And that my friend is wrong. I am amazed at the bashing on this site. I rarely read the posts anymore because its filled with people slamming something they don't understand or don't like. Some poor unexpected person shares his or her opinion and the people here light up and start flaming.

    Sad. I actually like the app and find it useful. I don't find Doodle Jump useful but I don't think people that do are morons. I try real hard not to label people. So start flaming and jumping all over me for being this or that. Just sad.

    and I'm surprised at the angry people like yourself being so angry at another grown ups choice of words!who are you to tell me what i can and can't say?do yourself a favor and don't reply i don't suffer fools. think il quit this forum to many ignorant people

    vladimir lenin body. vladimir lenin body,
  • vladimir lenin body,

  • Abstract
    Jan 12, 07:59 AM
    Look, I feel as if with all the rumors that were flying around about the iPhone, WE pressured him to release the iPhone by Macworld. He did what we wanted. But it was such a large project that he had to forgo releasing other products that we wanted as well. We expected too much of him, and for you to act like that he is an a-hole for releasing something as revolutionary as the iPhone is just plain indecent.

    Good answer. I never thought about it that way. :)

    But you watched. Again.


    Haha, zing!

    who are you kidding? what part of iphone is not previously existed in technology? yay it has a nice UI, like all other apple products, but the hardware?

    remind me, again, what's revolutionary about iPhone?

    You seem to look at the iPhone as a phone + media device. You're right, it's not the first one. It's not even the first touch screen device. However, you're looking at this iPhone as the sum of its parts when usability has to be taken into account.

    If I had the same mindset as you and many others, I could have easily said in "The iPod? It's just an mp3 player with a harddrive in it. A few companies do that already." My point is that you would have never considered ANY Apple phone as revolutionary unless it covered entirely new ground, like holographic video or something. Sometimes, just making it easier for people to do the things they already do is a huge step.

    vladimir lenin body. place of Vladimir Lenin.
  • place of Vladimir Lenin.

  • davepoint
    Aug 11, 06:04 AM
    I agree, some middle ground would have been nice

    vladimir lenin body. place of Vladimir Lenin.
  • place of Vladimir Lenin.

  • eawmp1
    May 4, 08:55 PM
    Also, 99.9% of the doctors I have been to ask questions that are pertinent ONLY to the reason I am there for a visit.

    1) You don't have kids, or,
    2) You've never been to a well child check. Age-appropriate assessment of growth, nutrition, school issues, home safety, social behavior, vaccines, etc. are all part of a routine well child check.

    Save your self-righteous NRA indignation, recognize there are irresponsible gun owners who need to be reminded of gun safety in the home, and put in your 2 cents worth where you have some expertise.

    vladimir lenin body. place of Vladimir Lenin.
  • place of Vladimir Lenin.

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 29, 04:43 PM
    They are currently sorted into the four categories first, and then alphabetically in those categories. It seems Lion is throwing everything together and doing away with categories

    The categories are still there. Arrange alphabetically was just another option.

    vladimir lenin body. The hands of Vladimir Lenin
  • The hands of Vladimir Lenin

  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 18, 10:55 PM
    Therein lies the issue. HD DVD's first titles had an avg bitrate of 16-20Mbps with peaks of almost 30Mbps. Batman Begins just shipped with an avg bitrate of 13Mpbs and it's PQ is top notch.

    While it's neither here nor there, I watched Batman Begins last night on HD-DVD. The PQ was pretty good, but not the best I've seen out of HD-DVD. The PQ wasn't any better than Serenity (which is also quite good) and I thought wasn't as good as The Corpse Bride. I was somewhat disappointed with some of the banding and edge artifacts on white/bright objects. High contrast edges tended to show some halos at times. But yeah, either way, the PQ coming out of HD-DVD is great.

    I doubt we see another widely distributed movie format on disc.

    You may be right about the disc part... Upcoming storage media technologies are taking various other shapes. Many of the holographic applications being researched now take various shapes from cards about the size and thickness of a credit card to a 4cm cube. Not all are based on a spinning disc implementation. :D

    I think there will always be a tangible medium for delivering a hard copy of music or movies. Consumers want it. People were saying this very same thing about music 10 years ago... Here we are today, CD sales continue to hold steady even with online buying options. Even for what people download, most still want a type of media to store that on and not necessarily hard drives or their iPod being the final destination.

    It may take time for another format to supplant HD-DVD and Blu-Ray, but it will happen. 1080P HD delivered via a compressed data stream is hardly the pinnacle of potential for our current display technology, let alone upcoming display systems. Sony and Runco are already shipping 4K projectors at prices lower than 1080P/2K projectors were selling for only 3 years ago. TI is ready to ship full 2K DMD systems for DLP TVs and are applying their wobulation technique to build 4K DLP systems, expected sometime next year. And even as broadband access continues to grow and serve more areas, newer technology will need to come about to increase speeds and overall bandwidth.

    We'll see. If yet another disc format comes out I want to see

    10-bit per channel RGB
    4:2:2 color sampling
    huge bandwidth
    3840x2160 resolution

    Er... How do you figure 30bit RGB and 4:2:2?

    Current HD-DVD and Blu-Ray standards allow for 10bpc as does the ATSC broadcast standard. And you would want full 4:4:4 representation for that 10bit color stream.. Why cripple it? While were at it, since we're hypothesizing a new format with huge capacity and ample bandwidth, why not just go full on 16bits/channel 4:4:4, lossless, 4K resolution. I figure that optical/holographic media that could reliably and affordably handle that sort of data requirement is probably about 10 years off. Or about where HD-DVD/Blu-Ray were 10 years ago - just a sparkle of hope in some lab demonstration as the DVD format was just starting to show up. Oh, wow, has it been that long? Yep, almost... I bought my first DVD movie in '98.

    I agree on the 4K resolution, though.

    vladimir lenin body. vladimir lenin body,
  • vladimir lenin body,

  • hob
    Jan 9, 04:05 PM
    Unfortunately, the keynote itself is on a product page for a new product, so before you watch it, you will know what the new product is.

    It's still not up yet though...

    vladimir lenin body. Vladimir Lenin
  • Vladimir Lenin

  • Jaymes
    Jan 15, 01:46 PM
    Okay, MWSF 2007 was all about the iPhone, and anyone interested in Macs had to go somewhere else to find entertainment ...

    Hmm, I'm interested in Macs, and I thought the new MacBook Air looked pretty cool. Maybe I was just seeing things weird out of my glass eye.

    vladimir lenin body. vladimir lenin body,
  • vladimir lenin body,

  • Glideslope
    Apr 15, 05:01 PM
    Ho hum...

    Competition for itunes would not be a bad thing but those record companies are just too greedy!

    They also know that they have been completely taken by Apple in an almost comical way.

    This is the main reason the TV/Movie industry has been so leary of Apple. It's not simply greed. They don't know how to negotiate at Apple's level.

    When Apple releases their new HD TV the networks will have complete control on pricing with Apple getting it's cut. Apple will provide a complete hardware delivery system for them that operates seamlessly with a click, and has a magical (could not resist) effect on the end user.

    No needing to try all this crap streaming through Amazon and such BS. Could even give Netflix a run.

    It's the logical next step, and Steve has already laid out the vision. :apple:

    vladimir lenin body. Vladimir Lenin was one
  • Vladimir Lenin was one

  • Lynxpro
    Oct 20, 01:40 PM
    Seriously, the more I think about it, the more upset I am that they aren't offering one. I mean, what the heck are they goint to do with $10 billion? Even the most aggressive expansion and R&D strategy doesn't justify holding onto that. And it would be a great way to offset any damage from the options fiasco. And it would boost the shares 5% (at least) on announcement. They USED to pay a dividend (1987-1995). It's time to bring it back!

    Oh, I dunno, perhaps acquire some more companies? You know, like TiVo - with its valuable IP - for an easy $400 million. Or pump it into R&D. Or a stake in Nintendo or Sony. Or acquire the EMI Music Group (for $1 billion) as a buffer against the other RIAA members pressuring for an increase in the iTunes Store pricing. Or finally pay off Apple Records once and for all. Those are several things Apple could do* with that $10 billion that could be more useful than artificially boosting the stock by paying out an expensive dividend to grumpy shareholders.

    Heck, maybe they could go all-solar on the Apple campus like what Google is doing.

    *My personal favorite idea would be for Apple to acquire Atari dirt-cheap. This would give Apple a large library of classic titles that could be ported to the iPod, not to mention giving Apple a brand that could be used to pump out OS X "compatible" computers geared towards gamers in order to boost gaming on OS X overall and a means at gunning after Dell-owned Alienware and Dell's own XPS line.

    vladimir lenin body. to preserve Lenin#39;s body.
  • to preserve Lenin#39;s body.

  • aaronazevedo
    Apr 15, 11:52 PM
    Real what? Real fakes? Yes they are real fakes.

    Real photos of real items, sitting on real tables in China. For real.

    If the unit is aluminum, and if it passes testing who knows. I'm someone has made a bogus prototype to stir up this discussion, who knows.

    I'm just commenting on the real vs. rendering. I voted real.

    vladimir lenin body. place of Vladimir Lenin.
  • place of Vladimir Lenin.

  • l3lack J4ck
    Nov 24, 05:30 AM
    can you combine w/ educational discount or no?

    vladimir lenin body. vladimir lenin body,
  • vladimir lenin body,

  • John Purple
    Jan 10, 07:18 AM
    iPhone will be release in Australia within the next month (end of Feb by the latest) only on the Telstra network. Unfortunately Telstra has exclusive rights for the iPhone, so the product will be awesome (e.g. being Apple) but the service provider will be crap....

    At my work we got a demo of the iPhone from Telstra for development reasons, we will be supplying data for a few of the services for the iPhone in Australia.

    Obviously Apple loves bad providers. In Germany they contracted T-Mobile, a Telekom AG company (not because of bad service ... but because of no service at all :eek: - as experienced in the past) That's THE reason why I don't want an iPhone.

    vladimir lenin body. When Vladimir Lenin - leader
  • When Vladimir Lenin - leader

  • NAG
    Jan 13, 03:03 PM
    Gizmodo is responsible for this because it vouched for the prankster and obtained a credential for him. Media organizations put their reputations at stake each time they obtain a credential for someone, whether it's to a high school basketball game, a trade show or a political event.

    I can quote out of context too. But I won't, because I don't attack people who disagree with me.

    Saying that Gizmodo's actions are going to hurt other online media is silly. It screams scapegoat. I know online media is trying to be taken seriously but viciously attacking each other instead of trying to come to a real solution doesn't help anyone.

    vladimir lenin body. place of Vladimir Lenin.
  • place of Vladimir Lenin.

  • LightSpeed1
    Apr 14, 01:52 AM
    So, on the left side of the above linked page it says they're $120 and on the right side of the same page it says they're $140! So, which is it?Shipping is $20 on the right side they have all ready added it in. on the white set it says $120 on left and right, but if you notice it also says for local pick up. It's only when you hit the shipping tab that you can set it from local pick up to UPS ground. After that, both the white set and the black set are $140 after shipping. No Tax.

    vladimir lenin body. Vladimir Lenin
  • Vladimir Lenin

  • soulreaver99
    Mar 17, 01:27 AM
    You are so going to jail...

    vladimir lenin body. Vladimir Lenin on Tuesday,
  • Vladimir Lenin on Tuesday,

  • ZipZap
    May 4, 04:55 AM

    Get your facts straight

    This is the carriers messing people over, not Google.

    Google added wireless hotspot feature to all Android 2.2 (Froyo) devices last year (and Apple included a similar feature in to the iPhone 4 with IOS 4 AFAIK).

    Actually, To be precise...this is the carrier enforcing the contract you made with them. You did sign a contract, right?

    vladimir lenin body. vladimir lenin body,
  • vladimir lenin body,

  • l3lack J4ck
    Nov 23, 10:19 PM
    ok another question...if i go into a retail store and their sold out of hte macbook i want...can i pay and have it shipped...i know i can use the online store its just that i cant use a credit card or have access to one....

    so would i still get the same discount?

    and also....at the retail store...do u think they'll be SUPER busy with other things and too busy for me?

    vladimir lenin body. that Vladimir Lenin,
  • that Vladimir Lenin,

  • aaronazevedo
    Apr 15, 09:53 PM
    Whether or not Apple moves ahead on this particular design, I have no way of knowing.

    Whether or not the pictures are real, and of a real case, I'm sure they are. I spend a ton of time working in China developing other types of products. I take pictures (sometimes as crappy as these) every time I'm over here.

    My money is that they are real.

    Apr 8, 04:34 PM
    I'm a current employee at Best Buy and thought I'd offer my two cents on a few issues.


    I don't blame people for not liking Best Buy. I don't like them either. Just go easy on the guys on the floor and in the back. Unless they're the total goof-off employees which do exist, what you're pissed about is probably not their fault at all.

    Did you write this on your shift at BB? :p

    Really, I saw this post and went :eek:! This guy has a lot to share and started to ignore, but a couple things caught my eye and read it.

    It was an interesting perspective on BB from the inside. Not to far off from what I would expect. BB and other retailers are really in a pickle these days. Margins keep dropping and there is tons of competition on the Web to buy most anything at a discount.

    Even the new stove I just bought. Shopped Sears, BB, Home Depot, and others... found what I liked, then went on the web to see what the real price was. Then went to the local guy and asked him to match the lowest price and he did. Best Buy and Sears can't negotiate, but the guy down the street will.

    Best Buys and others have really become a place I go to touch and play with technology and then I go buy it somewhere else.

    BTW... no offense, but employees at my local BB seem lost. I've heard tons of misinformation at mine. So I assume mine might have one of those questionable managers. :)

    Nov 16, 12:34 PM
    please no page 1 vs page 2 comments... :)

    Oct 3, 07:43 AM
    When will this hacking nerd do something REALLY positive and productive to the world?

    Last time I heard, his occupation was to break into companies' IPR without any legal permission to do so...not commendable, to say the least.

    Right, there are only billions of people who can watch DVD's on computers of their choice now because of his efforts who couldn't before, spawning all kinds of video editing, DVR, and high-quality conversion systems that couldn't have existed without his work.

    He defeated a system designed to take away fair use rights from the citizenry and hasn't done anything productive? OK, if you don't care about your rights maybe you have a point.

    Apr 28, 09:12 AM
    Thanks Knight, you are one of those who does helps no matter what, so I appreciate your patience, like Jethrotoe said. So, please don't take everything I typed and generalize it, because it's not for everyone. You personally look into the problem, ask questions about what's going on.. that is good !!, some other don't have your patience and throw in the typical sentence " Go learn fundamentals and come back" as soon as they see a basic mistake. So Patience I think is the right word to describe what's been going on here. It is actually a virtue and a basic one for a teacher to have.

    Back to the code, here is a photo of my connections (ignore canceBigtimer). What you say is true I don't know how NSTimer works entirely , just some parts, I realize that and it is one of the reason I postpone my timer for a future update (need to study it).

    You mention my two global variables, It makes sense that the timer does not stop because the variables are outside the method that creates the timer. is that whats going on?

    I have two timers, because, like I said.. I don't have full knowledge of timers. I know now that 1 timer is enough, even if I use two timers and start them at the same time, the log only shows 1 loop and the countdown in separate labels show e.g. 59 in one and 58 in another and so on.

    I got confuse because some other forums told me that I should make 2 timers.

    It's ok, I never ask for code, I leave that to the person. You have pointed out a big mistake on my part already and that is more than I can ask. This code is actually from a follow up tutorial in one of my books to learn NSTimer, the name of the book is "iPhone SDK Programming, A Beginner's Guide ", after the book explains everything and the code is working, it doesn't tell you how to stop it, reset it or add minutes to it, and that is why I wanted to complete what was left from this book.

    Apr 12, 07:24 AM
    Do you really think MS will ever do that?

    As stupid as they are, probably not. They're happy with having the most market share, why should they bother changing anything?

    But, when it's as easy to get a virus as downloading a banner ad from a website that you visit ( sometimes even legitimate ones) using IE with ActiveX enabled, then *maybe* a stronger security model is called for.

    These days, if you're running Windows and don't have at least a good antivirus, antispyware and (can't hurt) firewall, you're almost assured of getting infected somehow. I see it all the time at work - we have people coming in paying hundreds to have us remove viruses and to install a new antivirus program, because they didn't know the old one expired.

    If Microsoft was smart, they'd even *consider* doing this - I hate to say it, but look at Mac users - even though we're not immune to potential viruses in the future, how long has OS X been around, and how much malware is out there to infect it? Maybe 5-10 programs? UNIX just has that stronger security model...

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